A Transport Policy for Sri Lanka ? – Presented by Eng. Parakrama Jayasinghe

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A Transport Policy for Sri Lanka ?
An urgent Need due to many aspects
1). Sri Lanka has no transport policy
2). Many discussions have taken place with no coherent national policy accepted and adopted to implement
3). A proper Transport Policy would have a direct impact on the
– Economy
– Environment
– Balance of Payment
– Social well being
– Insulation on future shocks

A much detailed an in depth study is needed, But an important step can be taken urgently !
1). A comprehensive transport policy can emerge only after a detailed study and widespread consultation with all affected stake holders
2). However, correct decisions made under present circumstances could have a positive or negative impact on such a policy even if such effort is made
3). Some visionary practical decisions can be made at present focusing on the events in the recent years both locally and internationally in the areas of technology, finances, balance of payment issues, world and social political scenarios
4). This is in the area of future Transport Energy Options for Sri Lanka


The current Status on Transport fuels

1). Nearly 100 % dependent on imported fossil fuels

2). Highly volatile costs totally out side our control

3). Major cause of continued drain in Foreign Exchange up to $ 4,000 Million annually on fuel imports only. This can only increase

4). Major contributor to atmospheric pollution in Colombo and other cities. ( The positive change was seen during Covid and later fuel shortages)

5). Un accounted additional drain on import of spares

6). Very heavy expense to vehicle users on initial capital, fuel and maintenance.

7). Large increase in inefficient modes of vehicles with very low transport efficiencies such as 3W and private cars

8). Cause of massive road congestion.